Brochures & Documents

MyNoke Vermicast Brochure

NPK vs Vermicast Comparison Sheet

MyNoke Soil Improvement Properties of Vermicast

Vermicast Plant Growth in Soil Maize

The Essence of MyNoke

MyNoke Accepted Waste Streams

MyNoke Worm Food Bin Menu

MyNoke Organic Waste Brochure

Technical Bulletins & Research Papers

MyNoke Technical Bulletin (Calcium & Vermicast)

Quintern, Michael (2017). The value and function of Calcium in healthy soils. Technical Bulletin 01. New Zealand.

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MyNoke Technical Bulletin (Liquid Vermicast)

Quintern, Michael (2018). MyNoke® Liquid Vermicast Extract value and applicationhe value and function of Calcium in healthy soils. Technical Bulletin 02. New Zealand.

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MyNoke Technical Bulletin (Vermicast Products)

Quintern, Michael (2019). MyNoke® Vermicast Products improve Strawberry Growth and Quality. Technical Bulletin 03. New Zealand.

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Scientific Research Papers

Quintern, Michael and Morley, Max, (2017) Vermicomposting of biosolids and beneficial reuse – New Zealand commercial case studies from 4 communities over 8 years. WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference Proceedings. 1-15.

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Material Safety Data Sheets


White Gold - Material Safety Data Sheet
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Black Gold - Material Safety Data Sheet
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Organic Certified Vermicast - Material Safety Data Sheet
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AsureQuality Organic Input Certificate (Certificate of Recognition)