Bulk Vermicast: For Forestry

Are you facing challenges with soil erosion, low sapling survival rates, or struggling to maintain soil health in your forestry project?

These common issues can hold back forest growth and resilience, impacting long-term sustainability and productivity.

Vermicast, also known as worm castings, is a powerful, natural soil amendment that addresses these concerns head-on, offering forestry operations a sustainable, eco-friendly solution to support forest health and productivity.

Think MyNoke worm castings may suit your needs?

Contact Us to find out more, or place a bulk vermicast order for your forestry project.

How vermicast can solve key forestry challenges

Are your soils degrading and eroding? 
Forests on slopes or in heavy rainfall areas often face soil erosion and nutrient runoff, which can weaken forest ecosystems. Vermicast improves soil structure, binding particles together to reduce erosion and stabilise the ground. With increased organic matter, the soil becomes more porous and capable of retaining moisture, allowing it to withstand natural elements better.

Do you need consistent, long-lasting nutrients for tree growth? 
Forests, especially young saplings, need nutrients over time to establish strong roots and resist environmental stress. Vermicast provides a slow, steady release of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as essential micronutrients. This continuous nutrient availability fuels healthy tree growth without the peaks and crashes of synthetic fertilisers.

Are you concerned about sapling survival and growth rates?
Early-stage sapling survival is critical for forest success, yet many forestry projects struggle with poor survival rates due to shallow rooting and nutrient stress. Vermicast contains natural plant growth hormones and beneficial microbes that promote strong root development, enhancing sapling establishment and resilience. This ultimately increases survival rates and helps young trees mature into a healthier, more resilient forest.

Is your soil lacking beneficial microbial life?
Healthy forests depend on thriving microbial ecosystems that recycle nutrients and support plant health. Vermicast enriches soil with a diverse range of beneficial microorganisms that improve nutrient cycling and soil fertility. This microbial boost supports healthier root systems and creates a self-sustaining environment, reducing dependency on synthetic fertilisers and other inputs.

Are synthetic fertilisers and chemical inputs costing you more every year?
As forestry managers seek sustainable, cost-effective alternatives, vermicast offers an ideal solution. Its nutrient balance minimises the need for synthetic fertilisers, cutting costs and reducing environmental risks associated with runoff. This helps forest managers maintain soil health naturally, reducing input costs and supporting long-term forest sustainability.

Is climate change driving you to focus on carbon sequestration?
Forest soils play a significant role in capturing carbon, but degraded soils lose this capacity. Vermicast not only improves soil organic carbon (SOC) levels but also increases soil’s ability to sequester carbon, strengthening the forest’s role as a carbon sink. This is particularly valuable in climate-focused forestry initiatives and long-term carbon storage projects.

Struggling with pests and diseases in young forests?
Forests, especially monocultures, are vulnerable to pests and disease outbreaks that can spread rapidly. Vermicast naturally supports tree immunity, reducing susceptibility to diseases and pests. Its bioactive compounds can enhance trees’ resistance to environmental stressors, creating a stronger, more resilient forest ecosystem with less reliance on pesticides.

Building a sustainable forestry future with vermicast

Whether you’re managing a commercial forest, reforesting native areas, or restoring degraded land, vermicast provides forestry projects with the tools to overcome soil, nutrient, and pest challenges. This organic, sustainable solution is a powerful step toward building healthier, more resilient forests that thrive over the long term - helping forest managers meet today’s environmental demands while preparing for a sustainable future.

For recommended application rates download the MyNoke Vermicast Brochure.

Watering after application of vermicast is recommended.  For optimal results, worm castings should be used as soon as possible.  All MyNoke products are naturally produced and nurtured by free range, living earthworms, and may contain seeds. 

MyNoke Vermicast meets the New Zealand Standards for Composts, Soil Conditioners and Mulches; NZS4454:2005.

MyNoke Vermicast products contain pure, mature earthworm castings only. None of our products contain bulking agents such as bark or sawdust – earthworms cannot eat timber!

Please share your experiences using MyNoke vermicast with us.  We are always keen to learn how you successfully use MyNoke Earthworm products.

'Mixing the vermicast with sheep or chicken manure delivers the right pH level. It builds the soil structure over time and assists with plant growth and resilience.'

Franz Behling, ArborGen