Worm Castings: For Home & Garden
Want to take your home garden or vegetable patch to the next level?
Our range of earthworm vermicompost castings are ideal for your home garden and potting mixes, providing beneficial nutrients to your soil and stimulating plant root growth and activity. They are natural, free from added chemicals or fillers and help to strengthen against insect attack, while suppressing plant diseases.
Keen to try MyNoke worm castings?
Our Stockists have 17 litre bags of our worm castings available, or Contact Us for 1 tonne bags for larger garden and landscape projects.
Vermicast Benefits
- Full of natural plant growth bio-stimulants - cytokinins, gibberellins, auxins and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Gibberellins and auxins boost root growth and activity. This increases nutrient uptake and provides plants with greater access to water in the root zone. IAA is proven to be effective in repelling insects such as caterpillars and aphids. At the same time, it attracts pollinators.
- Contain beneficial soil microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, mycorrhiza, protozoa (flagellates, amoebae, ciliates) for soil health.
- Stimulate plant root growth and activity
- Increase water holding capacity
- Increase nutrient holding capacity (high cation exchange capacity)
- Unlock nutrients – reducing the need for additional fertilisers
- Help suppress plant diseases
- Strengthen plants against insect attack
- Support pollinating insects
- Free from added chemicals
- Free from added fillers
- Are a long-lasting soil humus
Vermicast application recommendations
- Potting mix: mix 25% of MyNoke vermicast with potting mix when planting. For existing pot plants, sprinkle a handful around each plant base.
- Garden beds: mix up to 20% of MyNoke vermicast with soil before planting.
- Transplanting: use one handful of MyNoke vermicast per plant when transplanting to garden beds. Mix gently with loose soil before planting.
- Existing plants: sprinkle one handful of MyNoke vermicast around the root zone of each plant and gently mix into the top 1-2 cm of soil and water well.
- Trees: apply 20 to 30 litres per tree, 50 cm around stem – up to 3 cm high.
- New lawns: mix 5 litres per m2 (5 mm) of MyNoke vermicast into the top 5 cm of soil during bed preparation.
- Refreshing lawns: spread 2 litres per m2 (2 mm) of MyNoke vermicast after mowing. Apply vermicast twice per year.
- MyNoke vermicast can be mixed with fertilisers and lime.
Watering after application of vermicast is recommended. For optimal results, worm castings should be used as soon as possible. All MyNoke products are naturally produced and nurtured by free range, living earthworms, and may contain seeds.
MyNoke Vermicast meets the New Zealand Standards for Composts, Soil Conditioners and Mulches; NZS4454:2005.
MyNoke Vermicast products contain pure, mature earthworm castings only. None of our products contain bulking agents such as bark or sawdust – earthworms cannot eat timber!
Please share your experiences using MyNoke vermicast with us. We are always keen to learn how you successfully use MyNoke Earthworm products.